Get tested for STIs at Home

If you are 25 or over and live in Greenwich you can order a FREE Home STI Testing Kit. It tests for Chlamydia, Gonorrhoea, HIV, Hepatitis B and C, and Syphilis. Please register or log in below to use this confidential service.

Email required
Password required

How it Works

  • Order Online

    You can order your kit securely and confidentially online

  • Take the Tests

    Do your own simple tests at home

  • Send Back Free

    Post the kit back to us free of charge in the discreet prepaid envelope

  • Get your Results

    Your results come by text. Simple!

STI Kit Instructional Video

We recommend that people watch the step by step video before collecting their sample. It explains how to fill in the form, what you will find in your pack and how to take the blood sample. The whole process is simple.

Order a Kit on the Move

The Checkurself Plus site is mobile-friendly meaning you can order a kit on the move using your smartphone or tablet. It's easy to use, free and confidential.

Order a Kit

What people are saying

Leave Feedback
  • Thanks for sending me the kit.Its the most easy way for anyone how is shy to get the test or talk to a doctor. Appreciate for the efforts made from ur side and its also help me aware about this disease and encourage me to talk with my friends and family members. Best Wishes

    ~ Greenwich Visitor
  • Very good and useful

    ~ Bexley Visitor
  • Thank you very much, it's so private and confidential! It has made me feel at ease and confident in getting checked out! Really useful.. Thank you!

    ~ Bexley Visitor