Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement of the Checkurself and Checkurself Plus websites on behalf of Royal Borough of Greenwich.


1. Information about our Organisation and Web site

Modern information and communication technologies play a fundamental role in the activities of an organisation like Royal Borough of Greenwich. We are based in the UK.

Our principal activity is: NHS Health
Our privacy policy covers and

Organisation Name:Royal Borough of Greenwich
Address:The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18 6HQ
Controller:Royal Borough of Greenwich
Web Sites(s) and


2. Data Controller

In providing the Checkurself Chlamydia screening programme and Checkurself Plus STI Kit testing service, Royal Borough of Greenwich uses the personal information of those registering with, and ordering through, the website. As such, Royal Borough of Greenwich is a data controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998 ("the Act") and subject to certain obligations with respect to the processing of that personal information. Royal Borough of Greenwich is operating as data controller on behalf of the following partner London Boroughs.


This privacy policy sets out the basis on which Royal Borough of Greenwich uses personal data in relation to the provision of the Checkurself and Checkurself Plus services.


3. Providing Visitors with Anonymous Access

You can access our Web site home page and browse our site without disclosing your personal data.


4. Automatic Collection of Information

We do not automatically log personal data nor do we link information automatically logged by other means with personal data about specific individuals.

We do not use cookies to store personal data nor do we link non-personal information stored in cookies with personal data about specific individuals.


5. Data Collection and Purpose Specification

We collect the personal data that you may volunteer while using our services. Personal data includes visitors' name, gender and address and is used for the purpose of customer administration. Specific data collected, also for the purpose of customer administration, relates to the visitors' sex life.

We do not collect information about our visitors from other sources, such as public records or bodies, or private organisations.

We do not collect or use personal data for any purpose other than that indicated above.


6. Children's Privacy

We do not knowingly collect personal data from children. We take specific steps to protect the privacy of children by restricting access to the chlamydia test kits to those over aged 16 and over and STI Kits to those who are 25 and over.


7. Disclosure and Visitor Choice

To process a request for an STI test kit, we need to disclose personal data given to our subsidiaries or other organisations. Your request for a test kit will result in your name, addresses, age group and gender being sent to a secure database managed by Ministry. The Doctors Laboratory will then access this database in a secure environment. This process is necessary to meet the purposes indicated in part 4.


8. Confidentiality / Security

All primary personal data given is sent by a secure transmission method.
We have implemented security policies, rules and technical measures to protect the personal data that we have under our control from:

  • unauthorised access
  • improper use or disclosure
  • unauthorised modification
  • unlawful destruction or accidental loss

All our employees and data processors, who have access to, and are associated with the processing of personal data, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of our visitors' personal data.

We ensure that your personal data will not be disclosed to State institutions and authorities except if required by law or other regulation.


9. Access to the personal data we may hold about you

You can ask us, by sending an email (to ) whether we are keeping personal data about you.

Upon request, we will provide you with a readable copy of the personal data which we keep about you, within a month. We may require proof of your identity.

We will provide the information without any charge. To make this request, send an email (to ) or call 020 8921 5367.

We allow you to challenge the data that we hold about you and, where appropriate, you may have the data:

  • erased
  • rectified or amended
  • completed

We do not reserve the right to refuse to provide you with a copy of your personal data.


10. Google analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics tools that helps to analyse how users use the site. These tools use 'cookies', which are text files placed on your computer, to collect standard internet log information and visitor behaviour information in an anonymous form. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) is transmitted to Google This information is then used to evaluate visitors use of the website and to compile statistical reports on website activity for

We will never (and will not allow any third party) use the statistical analytics tool to track or to collect any personally identifiable information of visitors to our site. Google Analytics does not associate your IP address with any other data held by us. Neither we nor Google Analytics will link, or seek to link, an IP address with the identity of a computer user. We will not associate any data gathered from this site with any personally identifying information from any source, unless you explicity submit that information via a fill-in form on our website.


11. Privacy Compliance

Our privacy policy is compliant with the following instruments:

  • Data Protection Act 1999
  • Freedom of Information Act 2000

There are no global or regional regulatory or self-regulatory schemes applicable to our web site or organisation.

In order to demonstrate that our privacy policy accords with the above privacy instruments, we are:

  • subject to a Government Agency supervision
  • subject to an Independent Data Protection Authority supervision


12. Independent Data Protection Authority supervision

Designation of the authority:Information Commissioners Office


13. Privacy Support

If you have an enquiry or concern about our privacy policy, please contact:

Name/designation : Chlamydia Screening Office
Address : The Royal Borough of Greenwich, The Woolwich Centre, 35 Wellington Street, London, SE18 6HQ
Phone Number : 020 8921 5367
Email address :
URL : and

If you are not satisfied with our response to your concern you can make your complaint in person, in writing, by telephone or email directly to Royal Borough of Greenwich's Complaints Dept:

Complaints Manager,
Royal Borough of Greenwich,
The Woolwich Centre,
35 Wellington Street,
SE18 6HQ

Telephone: 020 8921 5367

You also may wish to contact the Information Commissioner's Office (

What people are saying

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  • Great service

    ~ Bexley Visitor
  • Brilliant service so quick an easy to do!!!!!

    ~ Greenwich Visitor
  • Thank you very much, it's so private and confidential! It has made me feel at ease and confident in getting checked out! Really useful.. Thank you!

    ~ Bexley Visitor