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To subscribe for NHS Updates you need to register for the Checkurself Plus website. Go to register and follow the steps.



To unsubscribe for NHS Updates, please follow the steps below:

  1. Login
  2. Go to "My Account"
  3. Uncheck "Receive NHS Updates"


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If you wish to delete your Checkurself Plus profile, please follow the steps below:

  1. Login
  2. Go to "My Account"
  3. Click "Delete my Account"

What people are saying

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  • Great service

    ~ Bexley Visitor
  • Thank you very much, it's so private and confidential! It has made me feel at ease and confident in getting checked out! Really useful.. Thank you!

    ~ Bexley Visitor
  • Very useful, helped me and my gf discover we have chlamydia. Thx NHS

    ~ Bexley Visitor